What We Do
Front-End Planning
Front-End Planning
Front-end planning is also known as feasibility analysis, conceptual planning, pre-project planning, front-end engineering…
Engineering & Design
Engineering & Design
To deliver engineering and construction projects to our customers, we rely on our advanced technology and organization…
Project managment service
Project Managment Service
Managing an EPC contract is often complicated and requires special expertise and knowledge. Our project management…
Construction & fabrication
Construction & Fabrication
Our Construction & Fabrication Capabilities for Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation and Piping in EPC Projects consist
Supply chain managment
Supply Chain Managment
One of the important aspects of success key in EPC project is the supply chain management (SCM). We reduce waste…
Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
On account of the growing population and power consumption per capita, oil and gas consumption is increasing day by day
Power & Renewable Energy
Power & Renewable Energy
Power and Renewable energy projects range from Thermal, Hydroelectric, solar, wind, hydro, wave, tidal, geothermal and…
Petrochemical & Chemical
Petrochemical & Chemical
The petrochemical and chemical industry play an important role in manufacturing innovative, life-enhancing products and ..
Infrastructure & Urban Development
rastructure sector is among the largest economic sectors in EPC market. Jahanpars has been a main partner…
Industry & Mines
Industries & Mine
hanpars has developed solid capabilities and experience in the mining and metals industry through its long involvements.


Construction Equipment